Definition of "Uterine malformation"

Last modified: 1 day

Uterine malformation is a type of female genital malformation, due to abnormal development of the Mullerian duct(s) during embryogenesis.

  • Amenorrhea
  • Infertility
  • Recurrent pregnancy loss
  • Pain
  • Can be noraml functioning, depending on nature of the defect
  • Mullerian agenesis (aka MRKH syndrome) (absent uterus), is a congenital malformation involving a failure of the Mullerian duct to develop, causing a missing uterus, and variable degrees of vaginal hypoplasia of its upper portion. It is the cause of 15% of cases of primary amenorrhea. Patients with the condition are hormonally normal, entering puberty with development of secondary sexual characteristics including thelarche and adrenarche (pubic hair). Their chromosome constellation will be 46,XX. Ovaries are intact and ovulation usually occurs. Usually, the vagina is shortened and intercourse may, in some cases, be difficult and painful
  • Unicornuate uterus (a 1-sided uterus)
  • Uterus didelphys (double uterus), is a uterine malformation where the uterus is present as a paired organ when the embryogenetic fusion of the Mullerian duct fails to occur. As a resut, there is a double uterus with 2 separate cervices, and often a double vagina as well. Each uterus has a single horn linked to the ipsilateral fallopian tube that faces its ovary. In non human species, it may be normal rather than a malformation
  • Bicornuate uterus (uterus w/ 2 horns, from Latin “cornu” meaning “horn&rdquo is a uteus composed of 2 horns separated by a septum. It is a type of uterine malformation, but in some mammals, including rodent sand pigs, it is normal
  • Septated uterus (uterine septum or partition)
  • DES uterus

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